FMO Reuters Events SMR & Advanced Reactor 2025

UxC Logo Support Services

Special Services

UxC provides specialized services to clients in a number of areas, dealing with strategic, market, and policy-related issues, as well as providing support in arbitration and litigation cases. Delivery of these services can be tailored to meet the customer's requirements, and can range from one-day management seminars to comprehensive specialized reports and various other tailored products. Some specific areas of support are identified below. In addition to the custom services, UxC continues to produce numerous in-depth, special reports that are sold on a multi-client basis, with examples of recent reports shown in this list.

Market Analysis

UxC analyzes the impact of various developments on the various nuclear fuel and reactor markets, including assessing the impact on supply, demand, and price. These analyses can be taken one step further to assess the impact on the client's individual business and unique position in the market.

Strategic Planning

UxC provides recommendations of how a client can position itself to take advantage of upcoming market and business trends. In this area, UxC can also suggest or evaluate new ways of doing business, as well as the gains to be achieved through strategic alliances or other non-conventional mechanisms.

Review of Utility Procurement Practices

UxC "audits" past utility nuclear fuel procurement practices and suggest modifications to achieve the utility's goals.

Utility Procurement Strategies

UxC develops nuclear fuel procurement strategies in light of the utility's objectives and market opportunities. Issues such as market timing, spot vs. long-term contracting, pricing mechanisms, and inventory policies are addressed.

Nuclear Fuel Training Seminars

UxC provides advanced training seminars that are tailored to fit the needs of nuclear fuel market participants. Current and future market issues are covered, and management practices are reviewed to support development of future market strategies.

Nuclear Fuel Market Webinars

UxC regularly organizes online webinars for its industry clients to provide timely updates and analysis of market developments affecting the nuclear fuel cycle.


UxC can identify potential sellers/buyers and strategies to achieve the least cost for a merger or acquisition or maximum revenue from a sale. UxC has supported numerous clients on related due diligence and company-specific research efforts.

Marketing Strategies

In addition to utility support, UxC can provide nuclear fuel component suppliers with advice on how to approach the market and achieve maximum revenues.

Policy Issues

UxC assesses the impact of government policies on the client's business and the market in general, including such areas as government inventories, trade, and nonproliferation policy. UxC services also include the preparation of position papers to help clarify matters that are being reviewed by the government.

Litigation and Arbitration Support

UxC provides expert market and economic advice with respect to litigation and arbitration proceedings relating to the front end of the fuel cycle. Work can include strategy development and expert testimony.

UxC®, Ux Weekly®, Ux U3O8 Price®, UxC BAP®, U-PRICE®, and SWU-PRICE®, are registered trademarks of UxC, LLC.